Talk: The Catechism and Apologetics


This week I got to fill in as a speaker at our Parish's series of talks on Apologetics. The topic my coworker gave me, knowing I'm a total nerd about this, is Using the Catechism in Apologetics. I love speaking about the Catechism, and I feel like this talk really summarizes a lot of my research, prayer, and thought on the catechism. In a way it was more of a crash course fire-hydrant-to-the-face on the catechism. There is a LOT of good content packed into this. So I'm throwing it up here hoping it might bless you in some way. I'd love to hear what you think.

Here's the handout: The Catechism and Apologetics PDF

Also, the Homily by Father Raniero Cantalamessa that I refer to and handed out can be found here.

Part of why I set out to create this website was just to document my attempts at growing and thinking and being creative and working for the Church. I tend to lean more towards being vulnerable and messy than polished and neat.

I've been thinking and reading about the Catechism, ministry, evangelization, and catechesis for years now. There are a lot of ideas I've come across or seem to have come up with that I think really need to get out into our Catholic communities. Part of the problem is figuring out the best way to do just that. One of the ways we are trying is through culture, beauty, and the witness of a lifestyle transformed by the Catechism (like we're trying to create at Reverb Culture).

Another challenge is trying to fit all these ideas and big concepts into a digestible talk or format that isn't dry and gets people pumped about the catechism. The Apologetics series normally only runs an hour long, and I'm still working on the best way to present this material (i.e. I have a hard time shutting up once I get going) so we ran a little late (hour and a half).

So, I see this talk as a draft. I definitely learned a lot prepping for it and delivering it. There was a huge response afterwards as people came up and shared with me their reactions.

I'm going to keep thinking and praying about this stuff, and trying every way imaginable to get the Catechism and these ideas out there. I keep feeling it is needed now more than ever.

Join me, won't you?

Let's make a mess.

"The deeper reception of the catechism in the life of the Church still lies ahead." Cardinal Ratzinger


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