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Professional Youth Minister, guest post Edmund Mitchell Professional Youth Minister, guest post Edmund Mitchell

How to Read 75 Books a Year and Remember What You Read


Read More and Have Better Ideas

How different would 2015 be if by next January you had read 75 books? What if you read 75 books and also could remember what you read and talk coherently about 75 books? Enter Brandon Vogt.

Brandon is a monster. Not only is he a professional at getting stuff done (like launching websites, reading and writing books, and working as Father Barron's Media Ninja on Fire) but he's created a beast of an online course to show people how to read more and remember what they read. Brandon reads more than 75 books a year. And he will show you how to do it too.

I'm a huge advocate for reading wide and well. Its probably one of the biggest payoffs when you think about cost/benefit. Think about: you spend about $10 to read a few hundred pages synthesizing down the years and years of work, research, thinking, and expertise of a particular author. Plus your opinions are usually boring if you haven't seasoned them by engaging authors and ideas by way of books.

Brandon is offering well done video courses choke full of practical advice with no-fluff. Its filled with principles you can apply right now to start reading more books immediately. If you were to set a goal and increase your reading to at least one book per month, you'd be ahead of the average 18-29 year old Americans who actually do read. You'd also be reading 12x as many books as a quarter of all American adults.

I was fortunate to get a sneak peek at all the content and extras last week and after reviewing it I highly recommend it.

Some of the topics Brandon covers:

  • How to build a library and why you should (with great resources for finding cheap books)
  • Easy ways to creatively find more time to read (with some great tech tips)
  • How to engage the author effectively
  • How to remember what you read so you can use what you read (more great tech tips)
  • How to X-ray a book and find out in 3 minutes if its worth reading (from the legendary Mortimer Adler book)

(This book should be required reading for every living person who ever plans on reading a book and thinking clearly about it.)

Currently this beastly course is free (only until Feb. 18). So be sure to take advantage of it while it lasts. And go read more books.

Check it out at

Don't be like this guy...



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