Hippest Stuff Roundup


Trying something a little different, this week's post is a roundup of a bunch of super hip awesome stuff I've found around the world wide wild web in the past couple weeks. Broad range of things made this list, and I think you should know about them.



This is the coolest freaking thing ever. You have all those loose bits of wire and pens and usb drives and paintbrushes and batarangs in your work bag or laptop bag or whatever. The Grid-it helps you organize all that onto one pad of grippies and helps your OCD tendencies. I would love to have one for my work bag. My advice is to send this link to someone who will buy you a Christmas present.

You can buy them at Cocoon Innovations. (This is not an affiliate link. I'm not getting paid to say this is awesome. But it is.)

Rome From Above

Spirit Juice Studios. If you don't know about them, you should. They flew a quad-copter above Rome and got some epic shots. Such cool. Such hipster.


Drunk Ex-Pastors


Hat-tip to good friend Sean for sending this podcast my way. Its not as bad as it sounds, but bad enough to be amazing. Two ex-protestant pastors (one now agnostic, one now a Catholic) drink modestly and talk about a broad range of topics. You might recognize the Catholic as Jason Stellman from the blog Creed Code Cult.

I really enjoy this podcast because they are smart and the conversations between a Catholic convert and an agnostic are super interesting. They both know Scripture super well, and the fundamentalist jokes abound. I really enjoy Jason's anecdotes about the life of a used-car salesman. If you share an episode on social media, they'll drink a shot in your honor and give you a shoutout at the beginning of the next episode!

I recommend starting with episode 11. It has a lot of the back story behind the podcast and Jason Stellman's super interesting story about leaving his protestant roots and damning himself to hell.

Listen to Drunk Ex-Pastors. You can find it on iTunes or on your podcast app.

The Frank Show

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Speaking of podcasts, my fellow coworkers/friends started a podcast for our parish called The Frank Show. (Frank as in open and honest. Also as in short for Francis...'cause we're St. Francis of Assisi Parish...yeah...). For the first bunch of episodes we are reading through Sherry Weddell's book "Forming Intentional Disciples: The Path to Knowing and Following Jesus".

Each week myself, Jared Zimmerer, and Nic Gutierrez will read a chapter and discuss. Where we will go from there? Who knows. But it will be frankly, captivating.

Buy the book or steal it from a friend and read along with us! We are currently only on Soundcloud, but we'll be getting the podcast up on iTunes soon. Let us know what you think!


T-shirt Mock Up


This is a quick little design I'm thinking about making a t-shirt. What do you think? Do you want a t-shirt like this? It seems like parishes everywhere are struggling to find enough catechist volunteers for the number of kids they have. Being a catechist is an important calling in the Church. Hopefully this t-shirt will wake some people up!

It probably wouldn't have the Reverb Culture logo on it. It would also be a t-shirt.

Let me know if you'd buy one. If enough people respond, I'll make them!

Save a Soul. Be a Catechist.

Great band named Joseph

Hat tip to good friend Jon. I'm really diggin' this female trio with lots of harmony and folk. Sweet band website too. If you're looking for them on Spotify, type "Joseph" and then one of their song titles like "Lifted Away" (one of my fav's).


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Hat tip to Inspired Angela for showing me Dribbble. In a recent Coffee Interview I picked Angela's brain about design and inspiration. Dribbble is a place where graphics designers showcase their work. You can search things like "newsletter" or "logo" or "christmas" and get some inspiration for the project you're working on. All art is stolen. Recently I had to design a 5 foot banner with all Christmas/Advent schedule of all events going on at our Church. Dribbble gave me some color palette ideas and helped get me past the blank page of death.

Jim Lepage's Designs


Speaking of graphic design, I found this guy Jim somehow and he has an amazing collection of designs made for every book of the Bible. I really dig his style. Some of the designs are scandalous, so you've been warned. He's real good.

Word-8x10_07-Judges_988 Word-8x10_17-Esther_988 Word-8x10_03-Leviticus_988 Word-8x10_22-Song-of-Solomon-03_988

Sophia Sketchpad

These are some cool videos to help with catechesis. I really love those drawing-while-explaining videos, and these will be a bunch that cover the faith. They are just starting out, so send them some love and some money. It looks like they are gearing this towards classroom use, and they have some supplemental teacher resources to go with the videos.

Firepole Fail

And last but certainly the most important: this video sent to me by my good friend Chris.

There is so much in this. So many life lessons. Such depth. Such metaphor. Life.

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