2 Memory Tips So Teens Don't Forget Your Talks

Computer Memory Hard Drive Disk HDD Storage Technology by epSos .de I wrote an article over at the very cool projectym.com about applying the way our brain remembers things to the methods we use to give talks to teens, or teach anything for that matter. Two memory tips called the "Serial Positioning Effect" and the "Von Restorn Effect" we can use to help teens remember our talks based on the way their weird brains are wired.

I'm going to try to be more aware of these and experiment with it when I give my next couple talks. Let me know what you think, and if you have any success trying to structure your talk with this in mind.

Here's an excerpt:

"You’re talking to teens five minutes after you just gave a rousing 20 minute talk. “What do you remember about the talk? What stood out to you?”

Blank stares.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Think about the best talk you’ve ever heard. What do you remember? Probably very little. For an even more sobering effect, try this experiment: listen to a talk (podcast, video, Sunday homily, etc) and the following day write down as much as you can remember about it.

There are two simple scientific facts about the way our brains memorize things that can help you help teens memorize what’s important in your talk."

You can read the full article here.

This is Part of the Professional Youth Minister Series:

Grace builds on nature. So if you are paralyzed by 347 emails you haven’t read, find yourself despairingly browsing Facebook for most of the day, haven't had a good idea in weeks, lack vision in your youth ministry, or just need some motivation to get back to work, welcome to the club. This series is about working on our nature and becoming a professional youth minister so all that grace has room to build. Check out all the posts in this series by clicking here.



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